
The Episcopal Presbyterian Health Trust

The Episcopal Presbyterian Health Trust (EPHT) is a nonprofit, grantmaking foundation established in 1985 as a joint health care mission of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri, the Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy, and St. Luke’s Hospital. As stated in its original trust documents, the purpose of the Episcopal Presbyterian Health Trust (formerly Episcopal-Presbyterian Charitable Health & Medical Trust) is to provide health care and medical services to indigent people, primarily those who live in the City of St. Louis, Missouri, or immediately adjacent areas.

Today, language used by the Trust centers access, recognizing that barriers such as geography, income, racism, insurance, and broken trust disrupt the provision of health care and medical services and perpetuate health disparities.

In 2022, EPHT Trustees identified health priority areas and preferred funding approaches to guide future grantmaking. The change reflects the Trust’s commitment to center access to health care by addressing barriers and providing person-centric medical services across the spectrum of care, from prevention to aftercare. In keeping with the original trust documents and informed by community data and feedback, the Trust will make responsive grants based on requests from organizations seeking to:

  • Provide health care benefits and medical services people did not previously have
  • Sustain critical services for those who would not otherwise have access to care
  • Prioritize populations experiencing health disparities and/or barriers 

Grants may be awarded in support of collaborative or innovative approaches to health care services delivery, as well as programs and projects reaching underserved communities with quality health care services. Please see the Grants page for more details on EPHT’s grant process and guidelines.

Trustees | History | Grants | Contact Us

Applying for Funding

To have all the information you need in one place, download the EPHT Funding Guide 2025 for deadlines, funding priorities, and application questions.

Administrative services and grantmaking support for EPHT are provided by the St. Louis Community Foundation. For any questions concerning the Trust or for more information about the grant process, you can contact our team at grants@stlgives.org.

Episcopal Presbyterian Health Trust

#2 Oak Knoll Park    •    Saint Louis, MO 63105